October 17, 2024

M60 Concrete Mix Design with OPC cement and GGBS

1. Mix stipulation for ingredients of concrete

    • Grade of Concrete : M60
    • Type of Cement : OPC 53 grade confirming to IS 269
    • Maximum Nominal Size Aggregate : 20 mm
    • Minimum Cement content : 400Kg/cum
    • Maximum Water- Cement Ratio : 0.4
    • Workability : 150 ± 25 mm (slump)
    • Exposure Condition : Moderate for RCC
    • Method of Concrete Placing : Pumping or Bucket
    • Degree of Supervision : Good
    • Type of Aggregate : Crushed angular Aggregate
    • Chemical admixture type : Super plasticizers Confirming IS 9103:1999

2. Material Properties

    • Cement : Ultratech OPC 53 grade confirming to IS 269
        • Specific Gravity of cement : 3.15
    • JSW-GGBFS Confirming to IS 12089
      • Specific Gravity of GGBFS: 2.91
    • Chemical Admixture : FOSROC Auramix 400
        • Specific Gravity of Admixture : 1.096
    • Specific Gravity
        • Coarse aggregate
            • 20mm : 2.66
            • 12.5mm : 2.64
            • Ratio of aggregate: 20mm-10% & 12.5mm-90%
        • Fine aggregate
            •   Crushed stone aggregate : 2.59
        • Water: 1
    • Water Absorption
        • Coarse aggregate
            • 20mm : 0.29%
            • 12.5mm : 0.36%
        • Fine aggregate
            •   Crushed stone aggregate : 2.88%
        • Free Surface Moisture
            • Fine aggregate : Nil
            • Coarse aggregate: Nil
        • Sieve Analysis
            • Coarse aggregate:

IS Seive Sizes % Passing IS Requirement as per IS 383 Table 7 Ratio Combined 100% Confirming to IS 383 table 7
Single Sized Graded 10% 90%
20 mm 12.5 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm 12.5 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm
20 91.93 100 85-100 100 100 9.19 90.00 99.19 90-100
12.5 0 98.78 85-100 90-100 0.00 88.90 88.90
10 0.44 52.08 0-20 0 – 45 40 – 85 0.04 46.87 46.92 25-55
4.75 0.2 0.64 0-5 0-10 0 – 10 0.02 0.576 0.60 0-10
PAN 0 0 0 0 0.00
Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate, M60 grade concrete

    • Fine Aggregate: Confirming to grading Zone II of table 4 of IS 383 Note:- as per field trials for pumpable concrete fine aggregate should pass zone II; According to IS 383 clause No. 31.2.2 allows to use crushed stone sand as fine aggregate for concrete .According to IS 383-2016 for crushed stone sand, the permeassible limit on 150 micron IS sieve is increased to20%.

IS Seive Sizes % Passing Specification
C Sand IS 383 Zone II
4.75 100 90-100
2.36 94.17 75-100
1.18 66.34 55-90
600 47.31 35-59
300 27.38 8-30
150 11.22 0-20
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate, M60 grade concrete

All in aggregate:

IS Seive Sizes 100% 100% 100% 5.3% 47.7% 47% Combined Passing Specification
20mm 12.5mm C Sand 20mm 12.5mm C Sand min-max
40 100 100 100 5.3 47.7 47.00 100 100-100
20 91.93 100 100 4.87 47.7 47.00 99.57 95-100
4.75 0 0.64 100 0 0.31 47.00 47.31 30-50
0.6 0 0 47.31 0 0 22.24 22.24 10-35
0.15 0 0 11.22 0 0 5.2734 5.27 0-6
Sieve Analysis of All in Aggregate, M60 grade concrete

3. Target Mean Strength and Mix Proportioning

    • As per MORTH the Target Mean Strength for M-60 Grade = 73Mpa

4. Target Mean Strength and Mix Proportioning

    • As per technical specification max Water/Cement + Binder = 0.4

5. Selection of water/Cement Ratio (W/C)

Ref Tab 2 , IS 10262 , Maximum water content per cum for 20mm Aggregate = 186 litre for  50 mm slump = 186 + (0.12 * 186) (add 3% for every 25 mm increase ) = 208.32 lit Based on trials with super plasticizers, water content reduced by 15%,hence the arrived water content = 177.07lit, So Let us add water 177 lit

6. Cementious content Calculation

Water-Cementitious Ratio = 0.33 Cementious content (Cement OPC 53 + GGBFS) = 536 Say Cementitious content = 540 kg/m3 Cement = 390 kg/m3 Based on experience and lab trials,GGBS =150kg/m3 (Taking GGBS 27.77%) Based on experience and lab trials, Based on experience and lab trials, super plasticizer = 0.67 %

7. Calculation Aggregate content Calculation

Ref Tab 3 of IS 10262 , for Sand Zone II ,  volume of coarse aggregate per unit vol of total aggregate for 0.5 water-cement ratio = 0.62 Adjust for W/c ratio : Add @ 0.01 for every decrease in 0.05=  0.034 Therefore , corrected proportion = 0.654 Adjust for pumpability , i.e decrese by 10% = 0.59 % Based on experience  Considering Volume of coarse aggregate = 0.53 Therefore, Volume of Fine aggregate   = 0.47

8. Mix volume Calculation per cubic meter of concrete

a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3

b)  Volume of cement = (Mass of cement /specific gravity of cement) × 1000 =390/(3.15×1000)= 0.124 m3 c) Volume of GGBFS=(Mass of GGBFS/specific gravity of GGBFS )× 1000=(150/2.91)x1000=0.0515

d) Volume of water = (Mass of water /specific gravity of water)× 1000 = 0.177 m3

e) Volume of admixture = (Mass of admixture /specific gravity of admixture)× 1000 = (540×0.67)/(100×1.096×1000)=0.0033 m3

f) Volume of all in aggregate =[a-(b+c+d+e)] =1-(0.124+0.0515+0.177+0.0033)=0.6442= Say  0.644 m3

g) Mass of coarse aggregate(CA)

1) 20 mm = f × volume of CA × sp. gravity × % of 20mm × 1000 = 0.644*0.53*2.66*0.1*1000= 90.791 kg/m3, Say 91 kg/m3

2) 12 mm = f× volume of CA × sp. gravity × % of 12mm × 1000 = 0.644*0.53*2.64*0.9*1000 = 810.976 kg/m3, Say 811 kg/m3

g) Mass of Fine aggregate = f × volume of FA × sp. gravity × 1000 0.644*0.47*2.59*1000 = 783.941 kg/m3 Say  784 kg/m3

9. Details of Mix Design

    • cement = 390 kg
    • GGBFS =150 kg
    • 20mm = 91 kg
    • 12mm = 811 kg
    • Crushed stone sand = 784 kg
    • Chemical admixture = 3.62 kg
    • Free Water = 177 kg
    • Water-Cement Ratio = 0.33
  • Concrete density = 2406 kg/m3

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