Page Contents
Apparatus Required
- Le-Chatelier Apparatus
- Weighing Balance
- Water Bath
Procedure of the test
- Take 400gm of cement and find its standard consistency.
- Place the lightly oiled Le-Chatelier mould on a lightly oiled glass sheet.
- Prepare a cement paste by gauging cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency.
- Fill the Le-Chatelier mould with the prepared cement paste and cover the mould with anather piece of lightly oiled glass sheet.
- Place a small weight on the covered glass sheet and immediately submerse the whole arrangement in water bath at a temperature of 27+/- 2oC and keep it there for 24 hours.
- After 24 hours remove the mould from water bath and measure the distance between the indicators to the nearest of 0.5mm, record as initial distance.
- Again submerse the mould in water bath at a temperature of 27+/- 2oC.
- Bring the water to boiling temperature in 25-30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3hours.
- Remove the mould from water bath, allow it to cool and measure the distance between the indicators of the mould to the nearest of 0.5mm, record as final distance.
- The difference between the two measurements i.e step (6) and step (9), represents the expansion of the cement.
Datasheet for soundness test of cement